X Treasure Guide

At X Treasure, we are committed to providing an exciting and transparent game experience for all of our players. Our mission is to offer a secure platform where individuals can easily participate in thrilling games of chance, with the opportunity to win big prizes. We believe in the power of hope, fun, and community, which is why we ensure our hidden Treasure game is fair, and our processes are simple and straightforward. With a focus on customer satisfaction, we strive to create a seamless experience, from searching the hidden treasure to prize claim. At X Treasure, we aim to bring joy and excitement while maintaining trust and integrity every step of the way.

First click on START NOW button on the Home page

Then you will see 1 thousand buttons which start with 1k and ends with 999k select any of the button that you like. every (K) has 1000 buttons in it.

As soon as you select a button and click it , a new page will open and you will see 1 thousand buttons which are from 1 to 1000 select any number that you like and click it.

once you open a number If the number have a prize, then there will be the instruction written on that same page, what to do next.

If the number is empty, then you can try again and again.


A new prize will be released every week. You can check all the available treasures at the treasure page.

Every prize has only one winner. The one who finds the hidden first will get the prize.

Every prize has a unique code. the code can be seen once you find the hidden number. save that code until you get the prize.

as soon as a treasure is hunted a new treasure will soon be introduced.

X Treasure Rules